Monday 16 January 2017

Dentist ithaca New York

Some of the factors below are inherited, but others can be changed. If you’re ever looking for help improving your dental health in Dentist Ithaca New York, just check in with our staff.
• Risk of periodontal disease – There are a number of risk factors for gum disease, including genetics, age, tobacco use, diabetes, some medications, and more. Control the ones that you can, and be aware of the ones you can’t. If you have a history of gum disease, we may want to see you in the office more often than twice a year. This will help us ensure that you’re not developing gingivitis. Once you’ve experienced periodontal disease, it is more likely to return.
•Dental history – If you frequently develop cavities, In Dentist Ithaca New York we’ll want to see you regularly. Options like fluoride treatment may also help you strengthen your enamel and prevent etching/erosion.
• Personal habits – Do you grind your teeth? Smoke? Struggle with plaque buildup? Then you should get into the office at least twice annually (if not more often).
• Diet – If you have a big sweet tooth and you tend to snack on sugary treats, it’s going to be tougher to avoid cavities. Drinking soda all day will also lead to big dental problems. But if you’re careful to clean your teeth regularly and rinse with water after indulging in sweets, you can avoid plaque.
• Effectiveness of oral hygiene – Do your best to find the oral hygiene regimen that’s going to allow you to succeed. Many patients have spots on their smiles that end up neglected by brushing and flossing, and plaque takes hold.

Dentist ithaca New York